The top 5 brain hacks everyone should know


Why improve yourself using slow traditional methods when you can rely scientific research telling you the short cuts?

1.Memory Brain hacks – take a walk down memory lane.

Why can we remember hundreds of places or locations but struggle to recite a much shorter grocery list? Well, it’s all down to evolution. A lot of our mental horsepower was (and still is) is devoted to spatial memory – that is learning the layout of our environment. So, if you are seeking to remember a long list of information, the best method is to create a story involving each item, in the preferred order (if any) you wish to remember. This method of remembering is used by memory champions and they call it creating a memory place.

2. Practice Hacks – virtual training

Scientific breakthroughs show that your brain cannot really tell the difference between completely imagining something, and actually experiencing it.

So, for example, if you don’t have time to practice throwing baskets into the hoop one day, you can imagine throwing basket after basket, and your brain will actually improve your skills when you get back to the court. This was tested on a variety of disciplines from learning the piano to sports and all results showed the same thing, an increase in ability after simply imagining practising.

3.  Productivity Hacks – capitalise on the hours

One of the best ways to keep your brain focused is to write out the tasks that you want to accomplish within the next hour and then time how long it takes until completion.

 By writing out your key tasks each hour, you will refocus your brain on most important projects, and by timing yourself, you will add a sense of urgency that will help you stay focused.

4. Concentration Hacks – music for the mind

Classical music has been shown to change neural pathways in your brain, allowing you to focus longer and work harder. It has the ability to reduce stress, reduce pain, stop seizures and can even help you to battle insomnia. So, next time you need to power through your to-do list, set the mood with some classical music.

5. Minimalism Hacks – don’t overthink it

Over thinkers complicate any task. When you over think you create ficticious problems though hypothetical worst case scenarios – it creates more stress, pressure and undeniably obstructs your motivation.

Research has shown that chronic stress and anxiety can actually shrink your brain. A relaxed mind is better able to focus and solve problems.

To counter a tendency to over think a problem, make sure to keep your goals simple. Take on the minimalist mindset and strip the baggage.